Read Aloud Lesson Plan

Grade: 1

Book: Harry The Dirty Dog

Key Objectives:

Students will be able to retell important facts from the story

Students will be able to identify the main characters in the story

Students will be able to engage in group discussion

With teacher prompting, students will be able to write an opinion piece on what their favorite part of the story was


Harry the Dirty Dog

Chart Paper


Writing Prompt Paper


Sketch Pens



With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.

With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.

Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.


I will gather children at the rug or other area where stories are read in the classroom. I will greet the children and tell them that I will be reading them a story. I will show them the cover of the story. I will begin the read aloud b asking the students to look at the cover of the book and ask them to make a prediction about what the story will be about. Before I begin, I will ask them to turn to their turn and talk partner to discuss their predictions. The students will then be able to relay their predictions to the class.

I will then read the story to the class. During the story, I will ask the students many open-ended questions. Why do you think Harry does not like to take a bath? What is he doing with the scrubbing brush? Why does he want to get dirty? Why do you think that the children do not recognize Harry? Why does Harry dig up the scrubbing brush and go into the bathtub? What was your favorite part of this story? Did you like this story? Why or Why not?

After the story, we will begin to write down some of these answers to these questions on the chart board. The last thing that we will do is talk about what the students favorite part of the story was. When each child has shared, they will go back to their seats and begin to write their favorite part of their story on the writing prompt paper. After they have done their writing, they may do a drawing.

We will wrap up this lesson by coming back to the carpet and sharing our work.

I will then collect the papers and the lesson will be over.

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